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🔥2025年3月 —— Waiting List Started

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HR 2 in 1: 实战劳工法令 + Payroll速成班
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💎日期:2025年3月——Waiting List Started🔥
💎模式:7小时 E-Learning (1年Access) + 2小时跟老师 Live Q&A💻
💎人数:Live 只限30人🔥 [小班制]
🎓文凭1:E-Certificate of Completion in Employment Act 1955 & Industrial Relation Acts 1967
**HRD Corp Training Program No.: 10001253181
🎓文凭2:E-Certificate of Completion in Payroll Management
**HRDF Training Program No.: 10001253136
实战劳工法令 + Payroll速成班
I. Foundations of Employment Law in Malaysia 马来西亚就业法基础
1. Introduction & Scope of the Employment Act 1955 1955年《雇佣法令》的介绍与适用范围
2. Objectives of the Act, who it generally protects, and the role of the Director General. 法令的目标、保护对象及总监的角色
3. Key Definitions in the Act (“Employer,” “Employee,” “Wages,” “Contract of Service,” etc.) 法令中的关键定义(“雇主”、“雇员”、“工资”、“服务合同”等)
4. Who is Covered by the Act? Coverage for employees earning up to a certain wage threshold (e.g., RM4,000) and specific categories (manual labor, etc.). 法令的适用范围:涵盖薪资不超过特定门槛(如RM4,000)的雇员及特定类别(体力劳动者等)
5. Contract of Service vs. Contract for Service 服务合同 vs. 服务提供合同
6. Probationers & Part-Time Employees 试用员工与兼职员工
II. Working Conditions and Hours of Work 工作条件与工时
7. Working Hours & Overtime (Section 60A) - Normal working hours, the overtime rate, maximum hours, and recent updates. 工时与加班(第60A条):正常工时、加班费率、最高工时及最新修订
8. Rest Days (Section 59) - Minimum rest day requirements, substitution, and special conditions. 休息日(第59条):最低休息日要求、替代休息日及特殊情况
9. Public Holidays (Section 60D) - Mandatory paid holidays, substitution provisions, and how payment is calculated. 公共假期(第60D条):强制带薪假期、替代规定及工资计算方式
10. Calculation of Overtime, Rest Day & Holiday Pay - Detailed calculation method and examples to illustrate compliance. 加班费、休息日工资及假期工资的计算:详细计算方法及示例
11. Special Provisions for Shift Workers & 24/7 Operations - Managing rest days, public holidays, and overlapping shifts in continuous-operating sectors. 轮班工人及24/7运作的特别规定:休息日、公共假期及交叉班次管理
12. Flexible Working Arrangements - Recent amendments or guidelines encouraging flexible or remote work, employer-employee agreement process. 弹性工作安排:最新修订或指南、远程工作及雇主-雇员协议流程
13. COVID-19 & Remote Work: Lessons on Flexible Hours and Workplace Health - How the pandemic influenced work-from-home policies, employer obligations, and compliance. COVID-19与远程工作:弹性工时与职场健康的经验教训
III. Wages, Earnings and Deductions 工资、收入与扣除
14. Payment of Wages (Section 19) - Wage periods, permissible methods, timelines, and compliance requirements. 工资支付(第19条):工资周期、支付方式、时间表及合规要求
15. Deductions from Wages (Section 24) - Types of lawful deductions (e.g., EPF, SOCSO) and limits to protect employees. 工资扣除(第24条):合法扣除类别(如公积金、社险)及保护员工的限制
16. Advances on Wages (Sections 22–23) - Conditions under which advances can be granted and repaid. 工资预支(第22–23条):预支工资的条件及偿还方式
17. Commissions, Allowances, & Variable Pay under the EA - Defining “wages,” ensuring correct calculations, and avoiding common disputes. 佣金、津贴及浮动薪酬:工资定义、正确计算及避免常见争议
18. Minimum Wage in Malaysia 马来西亚最低工资
19. Priority of Wages & Protection of Employees’ Claims - Employee wages as priority debt in insolvency or winding-up scenarios. 工资优先权与员工薪资索赔保护:破产或清算情况下的工资优先权
IV. Leave Entitlements and Public Holidays 休假权益与公共假期
20. Annual Leave (Section 60E) - Entitlement, carry-over rules, calculation upon termination. 年假(第60E条):权益、结转规则及离职时的计算
21. Sick Leave & Hospitalization Leave (Section 60F) - Entitlements, documentation required, and calculation of sick leave vs. hospitalization leave. 病假及住院假(第60F条):权益、所需文件及计算方式
22. Maternity Protection (Sections 37–44) - Maternity leave duration, eligibility, allowance, and prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy. 产假保护(第37–44条):休假时长、资格、津贴及孕期解雇禁令
23. Paternity Leave (Recent Amendments) - Brief introduction to the newer provision (if applicable under amended law), eligibility, and duration. 陪产假(最新修订):陪产假条款、资格及休假时长
24. Other Types of Leave (Marriage leave, Compassionate Leave, Matrimonial Leave, and etc.) 其他假期(婚假、丧假、家庭假等)
V. Termination of Employment 雇佣终止
25. Termination of Contract by Notice (Sections 12–14) - Notice periods, payment in lieu of notice, and immediate termination grounds. 合同终止(第12–14条):通知期、代通知金及即时解雇理由
26. Termination & Lay-Off Benefits Regulations - Entitlement, how to calculate, and employer obligations during retrenchment exercises. 裁员及遣散福利规定:权益、计算方法及雇主责任
27. Retirement & Early Termination Issues - Retirement age policies, forced early retirement, and fairness considerations. 退休及提前终止问题:退休年龄政策、强制提前退休及公平性
28. Constructive Dismissal (Basic Intro) - How an employer’s actions or contract breaches might lead to claims of constructive dismissal. 推定解雇(基本介绍):雇主行为或合同违约如何导致推定解雇索赔
29. Voluntary Separation Schemes (VSS) & Retrenchment Exercises - Distinguishing VSS from retrenchment, negotiation tips, and the legal framework for fair termination. 自愿离职计划(VSS)与裁员:VSS与裁员的区别、谈判技巧及公平终止的法律框架
30. Dismissal Procedures & Unlawful Dismissal - Differences between dismissal under the Employment Act vs. Industrial Relations Act, basic steps to ensure fairness. 解雇程序与非法解雇:就业法令与工业关系法令下的解雇区别及确保公平性的基本步骤
31. Misconduct & Domestic Inquiry - Common types of misconduct, the inquiry process, and employee rights during disciplinary action. 员工不当行为与内部调查:常见不当行为、调查流程及员工在纪律处分中的权利
VI. Workplace Environment and Employee Protection 工作环境与雇员保护
32. Sexual Harassment Provisions (Section 81A) - Definition, employer’s duty to inquire and prevent, and complaint procedures. 性骚扰条款(第81A条):定义、雇主的调查与预防责任及投诉程序
33. Sexual Harassment Investigations & Employer Policies - Outline of a proper policy framework and case examples (beyond the statutory minimum. 性骚扰调查与雇主政策:政策框架概述及案例分析(超出法定最低要求)
34. Employment of Women 女性雇佣
35. Employment of Children & Young Persons (Sections 46–48) - Prohibitions, conditions under which they can be employed, and hours of work. 童工与年轻工人的雇佣(第46–48条):禁止规定、可雇佣条件及工作时间
36. Forced Labour & Non-Discrimination - Prohibitions under the Act, general principles, and employer responsibilities. 强迫劳动与反歧视:法令的禁止条款、一般原则及雇主责任
37. Safe Working Conditions 安全工作条件
38. Employer Obligations 雇主责任
39. Employee Rights and Protections 雇员权利与保护
40. Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony (Brief Overview) - Its relationship with the Employment Act, best practices, and how it guides employer-employee relations. 工业和谐行为守则(简介):其与就业法令的关系、最佳实践及如何指导雇主-雇员关系
VII. Compliance, Enforcement and Dispute Resolution 合规、执法与争议解决
41. Compliance & Enforcement Mechanisms - Inspections by labour officers, powers to prosecute, and common penalties. 合规与执法机制:劳工官员检查、起诉权力及常见处罚
42. Offences & Penalties (General Provisions) - Overview of fines, imprisonment, and compounding of offences for non-compliance. 违法行为与处罚(一般条款):罚款、监禁及违法合约化解概述
43. Expanded Considerations for Foreign Workers - Immigration Act overlaps, work permits, housing standards, and ethical recruitment practices. 外籍劳工的额外考量:移民法重叠、工作准证、住宿标准及合规招聘实践
44. Managerial & Executive Staff Coverage - When these categories are covered or excluded, and recent developments clarifying coverage thresholds. 管理层与执行层员工的适用范围:适用与排除情况及最新政策调整
45. Contract Variations & Renewals - The legal approach to modifying employment contracts and employee consent. 合同变更与续约:修改雇佣合同的法律方式及员工同意权
46. Digital Compliance: e-Payslips, e-Contracts & Record-Keeping - Transition to digital documentation, legal validity, and retention rules under EA 1955. 数字化合规:电子工资单、电子合同与记录保存——从纸质转向数字化的法律效力及保存规则(EA 1955)
47. Labour Inspections: Preparation & Best Practices - What to expect during a labour office inspection, employer rights, and common compliance checklists. 劳工检查:准备工作与最佳实践——劳工办公室检查的内容、雇主权利及合规清单
48. Differences Among Labour Court, Industrial Court & Director General’s Inquiries - Jurisdiction, processes, and how each forum handles employee-employer disputes. 劳工法庭、工业法庭与总监调查的区别:管辖权、流程及如何处理雇佣争议
49. Complaints & Inquiry by the Director General (Sections 69–73) - How employees can file complaints, powers of the Director General, and the process flow. 总监投诉与调查(第69–73条):雇员如何投诉、总监的权力及处理流程
50. Labour Court / Labour Office Process - Overview of how disputes are resolved, claims, and appeals. 劳工法庭 / 劳工办公室流程:争议解决、索赔及上诉概述
51. Act 446 minimum standards of housing and nurseries for workers and their dependents. 第446号法令:工人及其受扶养人住宿与托儿所的最低标准
52. Union Recognition & Collective Bargaining (Brief Overview) - How unions intersect with Employment Act provisions, recognition procedures, and employer obligations. 工会承认与集体谈判(简介):工会与就业法令的关系、承认程序及雇主责任
53. Emerging Trends & Future Developments in Malaysia’s Employment Law - Possible reforms (e.g., gig economy), proposed policy changes, and how they might impact EA 1955 coverage. 马来西亚就业法的最新趋势与未来发展:可能的改革(如零工经济)、政策变更及其对EA 1955的影响
54. Case Studies & Landmark Decisions - A deeper dive into notable Industrial Court / Labour Court rulings, illustrating key principles and common pitfalls. 案例研究与标志性判决:深入分析重要的工业法庭 / 劳工法庭裁决,阐述关键原则与常见问题
55. Practical Tips for Employers & Employees - Common pitfalls, FAQs, do’s and don’ts to ensure compliance and good workplace relations. 雇主与雇员的实用指南:常见陷阱、常见问题解答、注意事项及保持合规与良好工作关系的建议
56. Recruitment & Job Advertisements - Legal do’s and don’ts in hiring, non-discrimination requirements, and best practices. 招聘与职位广告:招聘中的法律合规、反歧视要求及最佳实践
Chin Wai Hong - Chief HR Solutionist, SHRM-SCP
🔹Senior Certified Practitioner (SCP), Society of Human Resource (SHRM), United States
🔹Certified KPI Professional, KPI Institute
🔹Certified Coach, ITD World
🔹Train The Trainer (TTT), PSMB Malaysia
🔹Bachelor Degree Psychology 拉曼大学
🔹Diploma in Technology (Building Mgmt.) 拉曼学院
🔹Post Graduate Diploma Mgmt Psychology, University of Nottingham
🔹Head of HR for leading online market place in Malaysia
🔹HR Solutionist /Consultant for SMEs & Start-up
🔹Career Coach /Facilitator, Japanese Conglomerates
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